Wednesday 11 October: 14.00 - 14.45
SharePoint is a widely-used tool for storing and managing enterprise documents and information; and it has some features for supporting tagging and taxonomies. Heather’s session is an introduction (or refresher) for anyone who wants to improve the usefulness of their organisation’s SharePoint implementation. She covers the Term Store and strategies for taxonomy management and tagging.
Heather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant, Hedden Information Management and Author, The Accidental Taxonomist
Wednesday 11 October: 15.00 - 15.45
To cut or unravel taxonomy's Gordian Knot?
In this practical session, Michele talks about the range of activities that are necessary to keep a taxonomy going. This includes choosing software, managing data quality, reviewing existing models and educating colleagues.
Michele Lamorte, Sr. Manager, Information Analysis & Digital Assets, Publishing Operations, IEEE
Wednesday 11 October: 16.00 - 16.45
Ian’s talk introduces ways in which the SKOS standard can be used to make taxonomies into graphs or networks. He steps through different strategies to add attributes to an existing taxonomy structure, and some use cases for what this extra richness can enable for information management.
Ian Piper, Director, Tellura, UK
Sarah Downs, Director, Synaptica Client Solutions, Synaptica, part of Squirro AG, UK
Wednesday 22 March: 14.00 - 14.45
I don't know what you mean!
Introducing taxonomies and ontologies to people who have never worked with semantics
In this accessible and highly useful talk, Fran talks through tips and strategies for talking about semantics to stakeholders such as senior managers, developers or UX specialists, with different levels of understanding and different needs, so that they buy into and support initiatives around taxonomies, ontologies and knowledge graphs.
Fran Alexander, Taxonomist & Information Architect, Expedia Group, Canada
Wednesday 22 March: 15.00 - 15.45
Are we even allowed to say that?
Normalising Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility metadata to meet tomorrow’s governance needs
Moving towards interorganisational taxonomy governance:
The start of a climate change taxonomy
This session showcases the wider social impacts of taxonomy work. Through use cases and best practices, Erica discusses how taxonomy and metadata can and should better reflect the needs of diverse audiences. Thomas’s talk is a case study of the United Nations Climate Change taxonomy, which aims to join up climate change information both inside UNCC and with external bodies.
Erica Hornung, Associate, Insights & Analytics, Salt Flats, USA
Thomas Bahr, Knowledge Management Officer, United Nations Climate Change, Germany
Wednesday 22 March: 16.00 - 16.45
Putting taxonomy and UX best practice into action
A complete overhaul of the design team's own knowledge space
Tom takes us through how the Cancer Research Design Team overhauled their own SharePoint site, to make it usable, easy to find things in and easier on the eye, with a process involving user research, a vision statement, content audit, taxonomy creation, document title naming conventions, training colleagues on how to manage tagging, and refactoring the homepage.
Tom Alexander, Taxonomy Manager, Cancer Research UK
Wednesday 21 June: 14.00 - 14.45
The process of recruitment has long benefitted from the use of taxonomies to categorise, filter and organise information in job advertisements and CVs. Dave and Sarah discuss how taxonomies, automatic classification and innovative search techniques can help match the right people to the right jobs.
Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology, Synaptica - a Squirro Company, UK
Sarah Downs, Director, Synaptica Client Solutions, Synaptica, part of Squirro AG, UK
Wednesday 21 June: 15.00 - 15.45
The different types of product taxonomies
Semantic technologies for historical collections:
A case study from the Sloane Lab Knowledge Base
This session demonstrates the amazing breadth of applications for taxonomies; from ecommerce to historical preservation. Product taxonomies are (or should be) an essential part of any ecommerce operation. Chantal’s talk, which is very suitable for beginners, covers the basic types and the ways they can be used in order to provide a great user experience. Meanwhile, Andreas’s case study is of a heritage collection knowledge base which is powered by standards-based semantic technologies to facilitate findability, research and discovery.
Chantal Schweizer, Practice Director, Strategic Data Services, Pivotree, USA
Andreas Vlachidis, Lecturer in Information Science, UCL, UK
Wednesday 21 June: 16.00 - 16.45
Airtable is an increasingly popular business tool which sits somewhere between a spreadsheet and a database. Michele gives a practical and knowledgeable overview of where Airtable can be used for taxonomy design, development and mappings, and just as importantly, an honest view of its limitations.
Michele Ann Jenkins, Senior Consultant, Dovecot Studio, Canada
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