17 & 18 October 2017   Olympia London

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

09.15 - 10.20

Kick the beehive: new approaches to building taxonomies for the real world

The second Taxonomy Boot Camp London opens with an entertaining and dynamic session as Madi Weland Solomon introduces real-life examples of what businesses are doing with ontologies and taxonomies. With the rise of text mining, auto-classification, semantic technologies and graph databases, there are growing opportunities for taxonomists to make a difference. Expect surprising findings and lessons learned from the real world.

Madi Weland Solomon, Head of Client Solutions & Services - Graphifi
10.20 - 10.45

Jump-starting your taxonomy project

How do you get started with taxonomy? What does a successful project look like? Experienced practitioner and technologist Dave Clarke outlines practical steps, key tools, and methods that will jump-start your taxonomy project.

Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology - Synaptica - a Squirro Company, UK
10.45 - 11.15

Coffee in the Sponsor Showcase

11.15 - 12.30

A101 - Doing taxonomy right: advice from two experts

An essential session for anyone who is new to building taxonomies (or an inspiring refresher for those with a bit more experience). This will cover getting your project started, designing your taxonomy for business need, the reality of getting your taxonomy into production, and finally how to deal with the inevitability of organisational change.

Moderator: Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant - Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing
A tale of two worlds: designing controlled vocabularies to meet specific business needs
Heather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant - Hedden Information Management Author, The Accidental Taxonomist
Moving with the times: practical taxonomy tips
Helen Challinor, Departmental Taxonomist - Department for Education, UK

B101 - Making sense of unstructured and large data sets

One of the most exciting developments over the last few years has been the increasing use of taxonomies and semantic models in analysing big, complex sets of data. Hear from two specialists who are doing just that in different sectors. Joyce van Aalten will give an overview of using mindmapping techniques to generate both topdown and bottom-up taxonomies.

Moderator: Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder - KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
The saviour machine: text analytics, machine learning, and the role of taxonomy
Ahren Lehnert, Principal Taxonomist - Nike Inc., USA
Mind the mindmap: structure and organise your taxonomy terms
Joyce van Aalten, Taxonomy Consultant - Invenier, The Netherlands
Knowledge graph implementation into Drupal for the UN Climate Technology Centre and Network
Martin Kaltenböck, Managing Partner - Semantic Web Company, Austria
12.35 - 13.15

A102 - Creating global taxonomies in the media and publishing sectors

Two great case studies from the BBC and Pearson plc. The speakers have plenty of hands-on experience of the technical and organisational challenges (and opportunities!) of implementing taxonomies in large and complex media businesses.

Moderator: Aref Makooi, Senior UX Architect - BBC, UK
From deep thesaurus to navigational taxonomy
Kathryn Stickley, Archivist - BBC, UK
Product taxonomy development and implementation at Pearson: a case study
Pooja Sharma, Director, Global Portfolio Management, Global Product - Portfolio Strategy & Planning - Pearson plc
Tuce Zengin, Global Portfolio Manager - Pearson, UK

B102 - Fresh approaches to metadata and taxonomy

Solveig and Heidi explore how the Science Library at the University of Oslo used a thesaurus to align vocabularies used by different life science disciplines, so that there is a common understanding of concepts that cut across diverse scientific fields. Roger continues the theme of using semantic models to analyse complex data.

Moderator: Joe Pairman, Lead Consultant - Mekon, UK
Looping taxonomies: adapting to new demands of interdisciplinarity in semi-private research environments
Solveig Isis Sørbø, Librarian - UiO: Science Library, Norway
Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Senior Academic Librarian/Subject Specialist in Biology - UiO: Science Library, Norway
Harvesting information through semantic indexing in the music industry
Roger Press, Director, Product Development - Academic Rights Press Ltd, UK
13.15 - 14.15

Lunch and a chance to meet our sponsors

14.15 - 15.30

A103 - Building up taxonomies to maximise their effectiveness

There are many things to consider when designing and developing taxonomies, beyond what words and phrases will be included. Structure, standards, proposed usage, term choices, mappings, models, ontologies and much more will be covered by two very experienced and always pragmatic speakers.

Moderator: Dr Cathy Dolbear, Data Architect - Jisc, UK
Extending taxonomies to improve content tagging and search
Jonathan Engel, Information Architect - InfoArk, UK
Taxonomy toolbox: practical strategies and techniques for taxonomy development
Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect - Factor

B103 - Working with large multi-faceted and multi-lingual taxonomies

It can be hard enough to design a taxonomy in one language, but when you start adding multiple language translations and mappings into the equation, it can easily become overwhelming. These two in-depth case studies from the UK Data Service and the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund will provide insights and tips. Just as importantly, they will help attendees promote the benefits of doing this work within their own organisations.

Moderator: Vivian Bliss, Independent Consultant, USA
An in-depth view behind the scenes: the grammar, semantics and management of thesauri
Jeannine Beeken, Discovery Officer Systems - UK Data Service - University of Essex, UK
Translation of taxonomies: challenges, methods and synergies
Beate Früh, Terminologist and Senior Consultant - Büro b3 Terminologiemanagement, Germany
Annette Weilandt, Senior Consultant - eccenca GmbH
Silvia Giacomotti, Head of Language Management - Suva (Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund), Switzerland
15.30 - 16.00

Tea in Sponsor Showcase

16.00 - 17.15

A104 - Applications for semantics

Semantic technologies have come of age after many years. This session showcases how automatic classification can help in both the analysis and generation of textual content. There is also an overview of the different database technologies, such as graph and RDF, which can make semantic applications possible in your organisation.

Moderator: Bob Bailey, Chief Information Architect - Thomson Reuters, UK
Using text analytics to spot fake news
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder - KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
How ICAEW uses auto-classification and taxonomy to generate dynamic content on its corporate site: a case study
Alice Laird, Taxonomy and Cataloguing Manager - ICAEW, UK
Mei Yau Kan, Assistant Content Curation Manager - ICAEW, UK
Selecting the right database for your semantic storage needs
Jim Sweeney, Senior Product Manager, Taxonomy & Ontology Solutions - Synaptica LLC, USA

B104 - Machine learning and NLP

This session is for those wanting to delve into the rapidly-maturing technologies of machine learning and NLP (natural language processing). Thomas will talk about the work of the multinational research project SSIX, which is building tools for European companies to analyse and use sentiment analysis data from social media. Michael will cover the use of machine learning in publishing, and how taxonomies can contribute to this.


Moderator: Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect - Factor
Sentiment analysis of financial information in social media data
Dr Thomas Gaillat, Postdoctoral researcher & Adjunct Lecturer - Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland
Machine learning and taxonomies: friend or foe?
Michael Upshall, Head of Business Development - UNSILO, Denmark
17.15 - 18.30

Conference Reception

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Join us at an informal drinks reception from 17.15–18.30 at the end of the first day of conference. Hosted by Information Today.

19.00 - 21.00

ISKO UK get-together - Taxonomy chill-out

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All delegates are invited to join ISKO UK from 19.00 onwards on Tuesday 17 October for an informal networking evening at a local venue. Further details will follow to all registered delegates and via the conference website.

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