Connect with Marjorie Hlava

Marjorie Hlava

Chief Scientist
Access Innovations
Data Harmony

Picture of Marjorie HlavaFounder, Chairman, President of Access Innovations which creates and maintains the Data Harmony semantic software suite for taxonomy, thesaurus and authority file applications and auto indexing.

Margie Hlava is a highly respected expert in taxonomies, metadata, and data science, with a proven track record of innovation in databases and search. Her groundbreaking work has earned her numerous awards, includingASIS&T’s Watson Davis award, the SLA John Cotton Dana; and SLA President’s Award, and recognition as an SLA Fellow. She has also been honored as an Albuquerque Business First Woman of Influence for Technology and received Miles Conrad lectureship for NFAIS. Margie is actively involved in standards development, having contributed to several key initiatives such as Dublin Core, Credit Z39.104ThesaurusANSI/NISO Z39.19ISO 25964. She was elected to theHubbell Hall of Famein 2019. With Margie’s wealth of experience and expertise, you can trust that you’re in good hands when you work with her.

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