Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday Sessions
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
KEYNOTE: Enterprise Knowledge, Work & Customer Value
8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Dion Hinchcliffe, VP & Principal Analyst, Constellation Research, USA
The way we work and share knowledge today is undergoing one of the largest shifts in history. How will we adapt our digital workplaces to this future? How can we help our organizations tap into the vast new global knowledge flows that impact our customers? How do we increase customer value in our organizations? Forrester says that companies are at long last making digital transformation a top priority, with 74% of executives saying that they currently have a strategy to get there, but only 10% say they are truly prepared. Hinchcliffe discusses ways that companies are adapting to digital business and suggests how successful and sustainable next-generation enter- prises can better harness today’s fast-flowing streams of digital innovation!

KEYNOTE: The Intranet of Everywhere: Redefining KM in the Age of the Empowered Employee
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Louis Tetu, CEO, Coveo Solutions Inc
Forrester Research reports that “29% of the global workforce (and rising) are anytime, anywhere information workers – those who use three or more devices, work from multiple locations, and use many apps.” We live in an era of the Intranet of Everywhere, and success is reserved for those who embrace it. During this high-impact talk, Tetu shares proven strategies that empower success:

  • Letting workers use the tools and channels they prefer, while ensuring that the knowledge they create with those tools is well organized and easily findable by colleagues
  • Gaining a unified, real-time view of all your company’s diverse knowledge streams, and understand the “who, what, when, where, and why” of each knowledge asset
  • Automatically identifying subject-matter experts based upon automated analysis of all your knowledge assets and systems
  • Unburdening teams from the never-ending task of manually tagging, cleansing, and de-duping your enterprise data
Coffee Break
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Selling Sameness in an Era of Exceptionalism
Ahren Lehnert, Principal Taxonomist, Nike Inc., USA
Kim Glover, Director, Internal Communications, TechnipFMC
Tamara Viles, Knowledge Management Program Manager, Learning & Knowledge Management, TechnipFMC
Notions of exceptionalism and personalization are prominent in our society and in our workplace. Even when purchasing the same products or performing the same jobs, we are compelled to stand out, to differ, to be the exception to the rule. Social media has allowed us to define our own terms and hashtags even as more “traditional” purveyors of controlled vocabularies demand rigor and term standardization as a basis for findability. Are these trends at odds? Learn how to address these challenges in an organization and what methods work to navigate these seemingly conflicting currents.

Taxonomy & Social Media: New Types & Uses for Social Taxonomies
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
The dramatic increase in social media content and, particularly, the move to integrate that content with traditional enterprise content, offers taxonomists new challenges and new opportunities. The challenges include huge increases in both the amount and the variety or lack of structure in that content. This is often coupled with a decrease in the size of individual content items. Another major challenge is that this content is typically used for different purposes than traditional enterprise content. This talk, which is based on two recent social media projects, looks at a range of issues and the potential solutions and implications for taxonomists. These issues include: developing content taxonomies for consumption by social communities (broad, general taxonomies coupled with a way to deal with short-lived but very specific emerging topics); combining content taxonomies with structures to model the social dimensions associated with the content (emotion, business and personal skills, and even narrative structures); community-based taxonomies; and finally, the need to work with new partners in marketing and sales, which entails learning to “speak social.” The overall lesson learned is that taxonomists have a lot to offer to the world of social media but need to broaden their horizons to do so.

You’re It, and That’s Awesome: Gamified Content Tagging
Seth Maislin, Principal Consultant, Digital Transformation, Earley Information Science
The important job of correctly tagging content often falls on individuals who didn’t choose to be taggers. But that’s OK. The bigger problem is that many content authors just don’t see the fun in it. Using gamification best practices and principles, Maislin shows how, with proper socialization and implementation, metadata tagging can be not just fun but also an enriching experience to those who have to get it done. And the timing is perfect, too, as Gartner predicts that by 2015 gamification will be the primary mechanism used by 40% of Fortune 1000 companies to transform business operations.

IA/UX & Taxonomy
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Sarah Barrett, Senior Information Architect, Factor
Bethany Sehon, Manager, PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Suzanne Carroll, Product Director, Data Intelligence, XO Group (The Knot)
In order for a taxonomy project to be successful, it needs to be aligned with both user and business goals, not just to the content being tagged. Insiders can often fall into the trap of thinking more (more features, more options, more content, more devices) is always better and end up losing sight of the actual users they are trying to help. User experience and information architecture make it easy for users to find desired information or functionality in an information management system, regardless of channel or platform—a content management system, website, web portal, tablet, or mobile device. Through examples and ideas, the panelists examine methods and tools used in UX and IA which can be applied in taxonomy work to improve taxonomy design, usability and presentation for big and small screens. The panel will also look at how taxonomy development can improve UX and IA practices.

ATTENDEE LUNCHEON & KEYNOTE: Winning the Customer Experience Arms Race
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise
As product differentiation diminishes in many markets, companies are increasingly investing in the customer experience as a competitive advantage. Winning organizations have decision making processes and feedback mechanisms that enable them to experiment and respond quickly to their evolving market landscape. They have also taken action to make their full portfolio of product and customer information accessible to their customer-facing processes. Earley looks at which Fortune 1000 companies are winning the customer experience arms race and how they are doing it; and provides ways to frame the needs and opportunities to senior leadership.

1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Author Disambiguation
Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect, Factor
Many institutions and organizations have large—sometimes very large—lists of names. These names are from member directories, employees and staff, clients and customers, marketing, development, and many other sources; indeed, oftentimes the lists from various departments in the same organization are not connected or resolved with one another in any way. This growing problem has given rise to a subfield in the information/data industry variously called “named entity disambiguation” or “author disambiguation.” This talk outlines an approach of using semantic metadata—that is, terms from a taxonomy—as a tool to greatly increase the accuracy of author disambiguation algorithms.

Taxonomy, Thesaurus, or Something in Between
Heather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant, Hedden Information Management Author, The Accidental Taxonomist
Patricia Parsons, Vocabulary Editor, Cengage Learning
Taxonomy or thesaurus—which do you need? It is commonly understood that a thesaurus is a kind of taxonomy with additional related-term relationships. But what are the other differences? The distinction can be blurred because some taxonomies have features of thesauri, and some thesauri have features of taxonomies. This presentation examines the differences and discusses strengths and weaknesses to help you determine which option is the best fit for your circumstance. Speakers describe the case at Cengage Learning, where thesauri have long been used for research products, when the decision was made to develop taxonomies for curriculum-related products.

Integrating Enterprise Taxonomies With Local Variations: A Case Study
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
Balancing the need for a standard taxonomy for the entire enterprise and the desire to support local variations is one of the basic problems of enterprise taxonomy development. In addition to taxonomy structure issues, there is a large change management component. Trying to impose the same standard vocabulary on every group, while often attractive to enterprise taxonomists, fails to adequately reflect real local needs. This talk, based on a recent project at a large international financial institution, describes how KAPS put together an integrated solution out of a somewhat fragmented environment with an enterprise taxonomy implemented with a text analytics tool, a secondary enterprise structure, a special-topic taxonomy, and multiple knowledge management taxonomies managed by several KM networks.

2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Developing Use Cases Before Developing the Taxonomy
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies
Vivian Bliss, Independent Consultant, USA
Use cases, user stories, and user tasks are what drive feature development in the agile method. It is critical that taxonomy be included as a component in agile development and tracking software such as Jira. However, often use cases are no more than functional requirements, e.g., “the taxonomy should improve content findability”; a use case should ideally define a set of steps with a sufficient level of detail to be able to accomplish a task. For example, a use case should explicitly show how a taxonomy would improve findability, such as by providing assisted navigation with fly-out or cascading lists. Discovering use cases at the start of an information management project can help avoid costly mistakes or unhappy clients when taxonomy deliverables are presented. Showing wireframe examples with descriptions of the user steps can also be helpful in documenting and communicating use cases. This presentation discusses why you should, and how you can readily, develop use cases and supporting documentation, using examples from clients such as the Environmental Protection Agency, Dell, and the American Physical Society.

Easy Taxonomies: Win-Win for All Involved
Barbie E. Keiser, President, Barbie E. Keiser, Inc.
Anne Rogers, Director, Research & Knowledge Services, Cargill
Cargill recognized the expertise it had among its 140,000-plus employees world- wide and wanted a way to make everyone’s skills more widely known throughout the organization. Building a new people profiling system that was easy for individuals to complete and update meant developing a taxonomy to underpin the effort. How could the organization create some degree of uniformity by putting a name to what people do and know without frustrating individuals who can’t find an adequate description or winding up with too many descriptions for similar expertise? This presentation describes the process taken by Cargill’s knowledge management team, purchasing a commercial taxonomy and asking students enrolled in a knowledge management (KM) class to assist in building out the taxonomy. The presentation is designed as a practical “how-to” from the corporate side, as well as for the students/instructor. The assignment allowed dual degree M.B.A.-M.S.I.S. students to see how taxonomies are put into practice in organizations and have real consequences. A homework assignment to “find a taxonomy” became a multi-week project for teams of students who consulted existing taxonomies in key areas for Cargill, developing secondary and tertiary levels for several top term hierarchies. Learn how Cargill is promoting the new People Profile system, encouraging employees to complete their profiles, and see how the system has developed. Hear what works in terms of graduate student involvement.

The Rocky Marriage of Taxonomy & Technology
Jenny Ammerman, Consulting Manager, Access Sciences
Kristin Homer, Consulting Manager, Access Sciences
Creating an enterprise-wide taxonomy is one thing; creating one that can be used in an information management application is another. Speakers share lessons learned during the rapid development and implementation of multiple company-wide taxonomies in different applications as part of separate projects to facilitate cross-departmental collaboration and information sharing. They address what to know before you start, critical taxonomy considerations, and keys to user adoption and success.

Best Practices in Taxonomy Development
Lee Lipscomb, Assistant Librarian, Federal Judicial Center & Author
The theory of taxonomy development is foundational in the field of Library Science, but how does the theory transform into the pragmatic approach demanded by the workplace? Once the library student becomes a librarian tasked with drafting a taxonomy, the practical application of library school theories can be daunting. However, creating a taxonomy is simple once a process is established and followed. This presentation, based on the publication of the same name, provides guidance to first time taxonomy developers through a set of recommended steps, including Identifying Your Content, Identifying Your Audience, Letting the Content Lead, Identifying Your Structure, Identifying Your Terms, and Throwing Out Lifelines. The transition from theory to reality is not insurmountable. The aspiring taxonomist must remain composed and work through the process established through the practice points. The result will be a taxonomy functional for the website and patrons.

Coffee Break
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Spotlight on Taxonomy for Theatre Professionals
Jayne Dutra, Consultant, Information Management for the Arts California State University, Fullerton
When a theatre develops a production, what electronic files are created? Construction drawings, visualization files, imagery and documentation for scenic design, costume sketches, and light plots are just a few of the many types of information that must be stored, tracked, and retrieved for accurate production management. Most often, creative artists are not concerned with standardized methods of storing and cataloging their materials. Many show files exist on individual hard drives that are scattered across the organization or uploaded to a shared file server on the network without thought to retrieval, version management, or efficient information sharing down the road. What attributes or metadata would assist designers, builders, stage managers, and others who work with them to easily identify which files are current, valid, and most useful for their need at that phase in a production? Modernizing IT practices by using classification techniques along with standardized information processes tailored to production methodologies can revolutionize the technical theatrical experience and speed production by minimizing miscommunication and ensuring better quality of the end result. This session presents research and use cases discovered and documented during the past year with an eye toward developing a Common Artistic Theatre Taxonomy (CATT) as an application that can address universal business cases that commonly surface in theatrical production scenarios.

Advances in Accessing Art Online
Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology, Synaptica - a Squirro Company, UK
At the 2013 Taxonomy Boot Camp conference, Clarke delivered a talk that surveyed the state of public access to art on the web by examining the online offerings of six brick-and-mortar art museums and four virtual galleries, with particular emphasis on the use of taxonomy to improve search and browse access. The session ended by drawing attention to two areas that required further research. This complementary “part two” presentation discusses some of the particular challenges posed by access to large or complex images and issues relating to derivative digital versions. It provides an update on recent advances in accessing and presenting art online, with a special focus on the use of linked data.

Connecting Real-World Objects...With Taxonomies
3:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Eric Bregand, CEO, TEMIS
The days of standalone products are counted, with ecosystems of connected devices emerging on the horizon in every field. Devices that are increasingly able to support verbal interaction with humans, of learning, recommending and deciding on their own, based on standardized knowledge. Taxonomies (and ontologies !) are at the heart of these ecosystems, improving human to machine communication and supporting smart machine to machine interaction. This session showcases a real-world project where taxonomies are instrumental in making the 2020 connected device landscape come true.

PANEL: 10 Years Back, 10 Years Forward
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Moderator: Stephanie Lemieux, President & Principal Consultant, Dovecot Studio
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
Gary Carlson, Founder, Factor
Ten years ago, the panelists were all speakers at the first Taxonomy Boot Camp. This year, for the tenth anniversary of the event, they look back at developments over those 10 years to draw some lessons learned and insights from the world of taxonomy, and use those to look into the future to see where we may be 10 years from now. Come to this session to find out what went right and wrong in the past 10 years and what you can expect to see happening in the world of taxonomies by 2024!!

5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
The Enterprise Solutions Showcase will feature the top companies in the KM, CM, search, taxonomy, and intranets marketplace, offering attendees an opportunity to explore the latest product and service solutions. If you are looking for a particular product, evaluating competing systems, or keeping up with the latest developments, be sure to visit the Enterprise Solutions Showcase. Open to all conference attendees, speakers, and sponsors.