Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Learning & Knowledge Sharing
8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
John Seely Brown, Director, Palo Alto Research Center Independent Co-Chairman, Deloitte Center for the Edge; Visiting Scholar & Advisor to the Provost at University of Southern California; former Chief Scientist, Xerox Corp.

By exploring play, innovation, and the cultivation of the imagination as cornerstones of learning, Brown creates a vision of learning for the future that is achievable, scalable and one that grows along with the technology that fosters it and the people who engage with it. The result is a new form of culture in which knowledge is seen as fluid and evolving, the personal is both enhanced and refined in relation to the collective, and the ability to manage, negotiate and participate in the world is governed by the play of the imagination. Gain insights from our experienced speaker to apply in your organization for better communication, collaboration, innovation and knowledge-sharing.
Aligning Corporate Information Governance & Content
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
David Sanchez, Deputy Program Manager, USAF Pilot Physician Program, Air Force Medical Service

Our speaker explores aligning governance goals with content types and the enterprise managed metadata service. The enterprise IT challenge is to continue to provide business benefits to end users while maintaining a level of consistency and control. A governance plan is necessary for delivering relevant content to users in an effective way, while protecting the enterprise from legal, regulatory, and noncompliance issues. Sanchez illustrates how the challenges of information governance as the USAF begins the process of migrating from multiple knowledge and information managment systems to a single Knowledge Management platform with over 72,000 site collections.
10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Using Taxonomy Management Software to Analyze & Manage Multiple Vocabularies
Paula R McCoy, Managing Editor, Science & Taxonomy, ProQuest
Managing controlled vocabularies and authority files is a day-to-day task at ProQuest's editorial office, which indexes hundreds of thousands of articles each year for online databases covering multiple disciplines. In 2010–11, the Taxonomy department took on management of nearly 50 new natural science, technology, and social science databases—produced using a different editorial system, different vocabularies, and different automated indexing methods. The challenge: to integrate these vocabularies into ProQuest's master taxonomy management software, and, for the social science vocabularies in par- ticular, to determine a go-forward strategy for managing and possibly merging some of the vocabularies. ProQuest's taxonomy manager describes how her team used a range of features within her taxonomy management software to import, analyze, and update the vocabularies, resulting in more precise indexing and a strategy for ongoing thesaurus management where previously there had been none.
Managing Taxonomies within Web Content Management Systems
Ben Licciardi, Manager, PwC
Many content management systems come with out-of-the-box tagging and taxonomy management capabilities. But are those built-in tools adequate for using and maintaining the multi-faceted vocabularies required to successfully manage content within a WCM, and how do they stack up against dedicated taxonomy management tools? In this presentation, we will explore the vocabulary management capabilities of the web content management system CQ5 and compare it with more established taxonomy management tools like MultiTes and DataHarmony’s Thesaurus Master. We will use this particular comparison to outline some general considerations to keep in mind as you are evaluating where and how to manage a taxonomy. In the course of this presentation, we will also touch on how documentation, workflows, and governance play a critical role in managing taxonomies within this context.
Discussion, Questions, & Answers
Leveraging Taxonomies to Create Descriptions of People & Expertise
11:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Moderator: Denise A.D. Bedford, Faculty, Communication Culture and Technology, Georgetown University; & Author, Organizational Intelligence & Knowledge Analytics York University, Coventry UniversityJean Pagani, Chief Knowledge Officer, The Monitor GroupJessica C. Gardner, Graduate Student, Information Architecture & Knowledge Management, Kent State University - Knowledge ManagementSara Feldman, KM Master's Student, Kent State UniversityMargo Thomas, Lead Operations Officer, Finance and Private Sector Development, International Finance Corporation
In the 21st century, KM is all about people. Our focus is shifting from documents—which may be a snapshot of what someone knows or says at a particular point in time—to the larger repository that is represented in an individual’s experience, knowledge, behavior and communications. Just as we used multifaceted profiles and information management systems to manage documents and content in the industrial economy, so we must have deep, representative and multifaceted profiles to represent people in the knowledge economy—profiles that describe their social intelligence, narrative intelligence, emotional intelligence, knowledge quotient, and areas of expertise. Panelists discuss two case studies in which taxonomies and semantic technologies were used to generate deep profiles of individuals: a Performance Appraisal Feedback exercise at the World Bank and a collaborative research project between Kent State University and the Monitor Group LLP.
Taxonomy, Mythbuster's Edition
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Aamir Burki, Solutions Architect, ByteManagers, Inc. (BMI)
If you've ever seen the TV show Mythbuster’s, you know that in their search for the great truths of life—whether mixing Pop Rocks and soda will explode your stomach or whether a cellphone really can cause a plane to crash—they like to blow up stuff. Today, Burki blows up the common myths about taxonomy that are holding many businesses back from having truly great product and information organization. If businesses take some of these new truths to heart, they might just grow their business beyond their wildest expectations.
Attendee Luncheon
12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Taxonomy & Information Architecture
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Moderator: Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered EnterpriseSeth Maislin, Principal Consultant, Digital Transformation, Earley Information ScienceGary Carlson, Founder, FactorAnthony Rhem, CEO/Principal Consultant, A. J. Rhem & Associates Author, Knowledge Management in Practice; Essential Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Panelists bring their experience with multiple projects and platforms to the table for an in-depth discussion of how taxonomies can be leveraged in information architecture. Taxonomies play an important role in enterprise information sites, through integration into navigation structures, search, and design patterns, as well as reflecting the overall purpose of the information architecture of a system. Presenters explore the technical aspects of exploiting Sharepoint term stores, using IA tools and techniques to design effective taxonomies for navigation, developing taxonomy design patterns to facilitate multi-channel content delivery, and aligning information architecture and taxonomy design for maximum effectiveness.
Representing Internal & External Taxonomy Requirements in a Taxonomy Model
2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Moderator: Gary Carlson, Founder, FactorJenny Benevento, Freelance TaxonomistSarah Ann Berndt, KM & Social Learning Program Manager, Knowledge Management & Social Learning, TechnipFMCJoel Summerlin, Director, Information Standards, Associated PressElena Gold, Information Architect, IS, AstraZeneca
A panel discussion focusing on the differences of managing internally- and externally-focused taxonomies. Competing needs and requirements for business processes, as well as customer expectations can create a conundrum for taxonomists trying to meet sets of requirements. In this panel discussion, we will focus on the differences between these types of requirements and some approaches to reconciling them.
Coffee Break
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Pecha Kucha: Taxonomies & Ontologies
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy StrategiesMarjorie M.K. Hlava, President & Chairman, Access Innovations, Inc. Data Harmony My blog is TaxoDiary.comBob DuCharme, Technical Writer, Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc.Amanda J Vizedom, Principal Ontologist, Wind River Consulting, LLC CritcollabSimon Spero, Doctoral Student, School of Information and Library Science, UNC Chapel HillHollie White, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Goodson Law Library, Duke UniversitySarah Ann Berndt, KM & Social Learning Program Manager, Knowledge Management & Social Learning, TechnipFMCHeather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant, Hedden Information Management Author, The Accidental Taxonomist
The rapid growth in the use of semantic technologies is raising interesting issues for those who have been in the trenches building traditional taxonomies to support large scale information systems. How does the growing presence of the semantic web, ontologies, and linked data affect existing enterprise taxonomies? Where are the sweet spots that allow integration of these different approaches to organizing information? How do you move from one method to another without wasting the effort you’ve put into building up your existing system? This session explores these questions and more through rapid fire presentations of real-life examples where ontologies/ linked data/semantic applications have been applied in settings ranging from health care to government, and provide insights and example from experts who have worked with these traditional and new approaches on what works and doesn’t work. Each presenter provides a quick summary of their work in a 5 minute presentation, followed by a 10 minute free for all discussion. Drink some coffee before you come so you can keep up with the ideas!!
Taxonomy Beyond the Enterprise: Knowledge Organization Systems, Semantic Web, Big Data & Next Gen Search
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing

Most taxonomy professionals work in comparatively well-bounded information spaces working within enterprises, and focusing on making information content accessible to reasonably well-defined communities of users. As the ambitions and the underpinning technologies of the semantic web mature, there are increasing opportunities for taxonomy skills in larger-scale, much less well bounded information spaces, society- and internet-wide. Lambe uses the National Science Foundation/ National Institutes of Health STAR METRICS case study to explore how important taxonomy skills are going to be for extracting meaning and insight from an increasingly rich, connected information landscape.
Grand Opening Reception
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
The Enterprise Solutions Showcase will feature the top companies in the KM, CM, search, taxonomy, and intranets marketplace, offering attendees an opportunity to explore the latest product and service solutions. If you are looking for a particular product, evaluating competing systems, or keeping up with the latest developments, be sure to visit the Enterprise Solutions Showcase. Open to all conference attendees, speakers, and sponsors.