Tuesday 16 October 2018

09.30 - 10.20

KEYNOTE - This is the Bad Place: 13 rules for designing better information environments

The conference opens with an exciting and thought-provoking keynote from Paul Rissen, examining how information professionals should respond to a rapidly moving, ever judging, multi-faceted and complex world. He offers new approaches and ideas to help us deal with various kinds of information disorder.

Moderator: Helen Lippell, Taxonomy, Metadata & Search Consultant - Chair, Bite-Sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London
Paul Rissen, Product Manager - Springer Nature, UK
10.20 - 10.40

Catching the wave – what tools do taxonomists need to do their job

Dave offers an immensely practical framework of tools and techniques to help taxonomists work with not just today’s information challenges, but also with those near or beyond the horizon, such as ontologies, AI, and blockchain technologies.

Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology - Synaptica, part of Squirro AG, UK
10.40 - 11.10

Coffee and a chance to meet our sponsors

11.10 - 12.10

A101 - Taxonomy development and user validation

This session features case studies from two high-profile organisations with large, diverse audiences to serve. Thomas describes how user-centred research and testing were critical to CRUK’s taxonomy development and ensuring scalability for future projects. Sona and Ellie's challenge at GDS was to classify 300,000 content items in a project only a few months long. The team used performance frameworks, stakeholder reviews, tree testing and more to work towards a successful outcome.

Moderator: Dr Tony Russell-Rose, Senior Lecturer - Goldsmiths, University of London, UK University of Essex, UXLabs
Taxonomy in the real world
Tom Alexander, Taxonomy Manager - Cancer Research UK
Classifying all of GOV.UK – fast!
Sona Hathi, Content Strategist - Government Digital Service, UK
Ellie King, Data Scientist - Government Digital Service, UK

B101 - Cutting-edge applications for taxonomies

One of the most heartening changes in the last few years has been the pushing of the boundaries of what innovative organisations want to do with their taxonomies. Anton and Michael's talks showcase this in depth with their respective case studies. Anton manages a large taxonomy that has outgrown its traditional uses, and is now available through multiple CABI products, through APIs, and has been enriched with ontological relationships. Michael describes how AI is being used to supplement the traditional application of taxonomies for search and findability.

Moderator: Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect - Factor
Making a life sciences thesaurus go further – policy, priorities and procedures
Anton Doroszenko, Thesaurus Manager - CAB International, UK
What is a taxonomy for? Looking at use cases
Michael Upshall, Head of Business Development - UNSILO, Denmark
12.15 - 13.15

A102 - Why words matter in taxonomy development

The value of taxonomy is sometimes dismissed as just being about labels. But this session shows that the words themselves are absolutely critical to the success or failure of a project. Matt talks through the strategy for choosing the navigation and URL structure of the World Health Organization’s new website. Bob gives an overview of the ethics of naming things, especially when it has real-world impacts, in a talk that also features some light-hearted sandwich analogies.

Moderator: Aref Makooi, Senior UX Architect - BBC, UK
How words helped make a home for global health
Matt Hollidge, Director & Information Architect - Kore, UK
The ethics of naming, or: is a hot dog a sandwich?
Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect - Factor

B102 - Taxonomies and search

Search applications benefit from the use of taxonomies to improve relevance, power the results interface, and so on. This session features two renowned search experts who draw on extensive experience. Sebastian’s case study focuses on a large, multinational organisation which needed multilingual taxonomy support within its content management system. Martin addresses the potentially tricky problem of how to implement a search application and taxonomy tool at the same time.

Moderator: Jason McCullagh, Director, Marketplace Alliances - Upland BA Insight Software
Considerations when implementing a multilingual taxonomy in enterprise search
Sebastian Klatt, Senior Consultant - Raytion GmbH
Which comes first – taxonomy or search? Or better together?
Martin White, Managing Director - Intranet Focus Ltd, UK
13.15 - 14.15

Lunch and a chance to meet our sponsors

14.15 - 15.25

A103 - Tools and resources for taxonomy practitioners

This session looks at two of the most important questions a taxonomist needs to address in their job or project – what to manage the taxonomy with, and researching what taxonomies might already exist in their field. Joyce takes a vendor-neutral approach to assessing the pros and cons of three main types of taxonomy management tool (spreadsheet, CMS and dedicated solution). Andreas is the creator and manager of Bartoc.org, one of the most comprehensive databases of taxonomies and vocabularies in the world.

Moderator: Valerie McCutcheon, Research Information Manager - University of Glasgow, UK
The three flavours of taxonomy tools: which one is your cup of tea?
Joyce van Aalten, Taxonomy Consultant - Invenier, The Netherlands
Finding, browsing and reusing taxonomies: Bartoc.org
Andreas Ledl, Subject Librarian - Basel University Library, Switzerland

B103 - Taxonomies and SharePoint

SharePoint is one of the most popular choices for an enterprise information management solution. Its taxonomy management features have progressed with each successive release, therefore this session goes into depth about the possibilities and opportunities. Agnes gives an independent appraisal of Managed Metadata, with the options, decisions and design considerations you may need. Randy’s talk poses the question of whether automated metadata is truly possible within SharePoint (also Azure and Office 365). Andreas presents a SharePoint extension that adds a semantic layer above the content database, thus linking up unstructured documents with external databases.

Moderator: Heather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant - Hedden Information Management, USA Author, The Accidental Taxonomist
Implementing taxonomies in SharePoint
Agnes Molnar, Managing Consultant - Search Explained
Automated taxonomies and metadata in the cloud – pros and cons
Randy Perkins-Smart, Director - Qaixen, UK
Linking SharePoint documents with structured data
Andreas Blumauer, Founder & CEO - Semantic Web Company Inc.
15.25 - 15.55

Tea and a chance to meet our sponsors

15.55 - 17.15

A104 - Innovative approaches to developing taxonomies

These three talks show how taxonomists are adept at finding creative ways of working. Matt’s case study blends high-tech natural language processing with crowdsourced human knowledge, in a project to digitise public records from Indigenous schools in 1920’s New Mexico. Jonathan goes against conventional wisdom, and shows the many ways that the humble spreadsheet can be a great tool in the early stages of building a new taxonomy. Tatjana shares ninja tips on succeeding at taxonomy governance in an organisation of 75,000 engineers and scientists.

Moderator: Helen Challinor, Departmental Taxonomist - Department for Education, UK
Indigenous Digital Archive: folksonomies and named entities. Building generous interfaces through natural language processing and crowd-sourced tagging
Dr Matt McGrattan, Head of Digital Library Solutions - Digirati, UK
Exploiting Excel for early taxonomy development
Jonathan Engel, Information Architect - InfoArk, UK
Taxonomy governance in a STEM environment: putting your ninja skills to use
Tatjana Versaggi, Technical Project Manager, Taxonomist - General Electric, USA

B104 - Beyond taxonomy – ontologies, semantics and Linked Data

Day One concludes with four expert perspectives on cutting-edge applications for knowledge organisation. Rahel introduces ‘Information 4.0’ and shows the business possibilities for using content semantics. Ahren and Jim cover how taxonomies and ontologies are being used for far more than just categorisation and can be an integral component of core business processes. Ben’s case study involves a large publisher, which is using Linked Open Data and semantic content enrichment to drive better knowledge discovery and enhanced products. Irene describes how linking public taxonomies, ontologies and reference data in the health and pharmaceutical sectors, using automatically-generated ‘crosswalks’, can help companies achieve a higher standard of regulatory compliance.

Moderator: David Haynes, Chair, ISKO, UK
Introduction to Information 4.0
Rahel Anne Bailie, Director of Content - Babylon Health, UK
Using ontologies for more than information categorisation
Ahren Lehnert, Principal Taxonomist - Nike Inc., USA
Jim Sweeney, Senior Product Manager, Taxonomy & Ontology Solutions - Synaptica LLC, USA
Beyond taxonomy classification: using knowledge models and Linked Data to unlock new business models
Ben Miller, Senior Platform Capability Manager - Wiley, UK
Bridging vocabulary silos with auto-generated crosswalks
Nuno Lopes, Semantic Solutions Architect - Top Quadrant, Portugal
17.15 - 18.30

Conference reception

Join us at an informal drinks reception from 17.15–18.30 at the end of the first day of conference. Hosted by Information Today Ltd.

18.45 - 21.00

ISKO chill-out

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All delegates are invited to join ISKO UK from 18.45 onwards for an informal networking evening at The Hand and Flower pub, 1 Hammersmith Road, London (opposite Olympia).

AIIP Drinks

AIIP invites fellow independent information professionals (members and non-members) to snacks and socialising, immediately following Boot Camp’s conference reception, at The Cumberland Arms, 29 North End Road, Hammersmith, London W14 8SZ (3 minutes from Olympia).Sign up at the AIIP table

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