Organizing Information for Search & Discovery
Taxonomies, classification, categorization—helping users find actionable information that is buried in today’s huge repositories of enterprise
information is a vital business imperative. Built and implemented effectively, a taxonomy or categorization scheme is the secret to navigating Web sites and
internal data collections, thereby ensuring that users find precise answers to their search queries.
At Taxonomy Boot Camp 2007 attendees learned about:
- How to create and implement a successful taxonomy
- How to enhance your information infrastructure with the right taxonomy
- Taxonomy design concepts and strategies
- Which metadata and taxonomy choices are right for your needs
- Evaluating auto-categorization schemes and tools
- Making the “build, buy, or automate” decision
- Working collaboratively with your content and IT teams
- Case studies, lessons learned & best practices
- Proving the ROI of taxonomy and balancing its cost and value
- How to manage and maintain a taxonomy
Keynote Speakers
Dave Snowden Founder & Chief Scientist The Cynefin Company
Marti Hearst Professor, School of Information University of California - Berkeley