Thursday, November 2nd
Taxonomy 101: How to Build a Taxonomy
7:45 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
This brief, optional pre-conference session is for novices who want to learn
the step-by-step fundamentals of how to build a taxonomy. Taxonomy Boot
Camp sessions assume a basic familiarity with taxonomy construction.
Opening Keynote: The New Shape of Knowledge: Everything Is Miscellaneous
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
David Weinberger, Harvard metaLAB Harvard Berkman Klein Center

The digitizing of information resources allows us to reinvent the basic
principles by which we manage and organize knowledge, thereby
transforming the shape and authority of knowledge. Debunking linear
information models, Weinberger explores how we can get more value from
organizational knowledge and expertise by treating knowledge as a
miscellaneous collection of data and metadata to be sorted and ordered
by users. This approach wrings the maximum potential from what an
organization knows — improving information flows, increasing
innovation, enabling the power of social knowing to emerge — but it
changes the role of experts and knowledge and information managers.
Networking Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
The Categorization Quandary: Making Choices
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis Cognitive Computing Consortium
It is clear that categorization is a necessary part of a good
information access system. What is less clear is what kind of
categorization technology or approach is best. Does everyone need a
taxonomy? What about clustering engines, rule based classifiers,
automatic classifiers? This session will demystify the types of
categorization and discuss the pros and cons, and tradeoffs of each.
Buy, Build, Automate: The Great Debate
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Wendi Pohs, Chief Technology Officer, InfoClear ConsultingTom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep TextJim Wessely, President, Advanced Document Sciences
One of the biggest challenges of any taxonomy project is actually “getting”
the taxonomy. Can you buy an existing taxonomy? Do you have to build
one from the ground up? Or can you use an automatic categorizer to create
one for you? This lively debate explores what you need to make the decision
to buy or build your taxonomy, or if automatic taxonomy generation
will work for you, as each of the speakers presents and defends an option.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Defining Your Strategy
1:15 p.m. - 1:35 p.m.
Ed Stevenson, Director, Content Strategies, Really Strategies, Inc
While having their own complexities beyond fielded metadata, taxonomies
need to be approached as part of your full metadata set. This session
will focus on how taxonomies fit into an overall metadata strategy,
including how to identify different types of metadata for your
organization, how to manage content and data modeling issues for
fielded metadata, and how to identify and implement work flow to handle
both standard metadata and taxonomies.
Team Building & Project Management
1:35 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lynda Moulton, Principal, LWM Technology Services
Building your taxonomy team and defining expected contributions from each
team member is crucial to the success of your project. How to build your
team and then creating a work plan, refining the processes, managing the
technologies, and pushing the deliverables into production are the focus for
this practical presentation by a consultant who manages large-scale, long-term
taxonomy projects.
Networking Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Low-Cost & No-Cost Taxonomy Tools
2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Mark Goldstein, President, International Research Center
Often taxonomy development and its integration are seen as part of expensive
and complex enterprise toolsets and suites. There are, however, a number
of free open source and low-cost commercial tools that enable full taxonomy
development and maintenance for more modest budgets. This session
covers the availability of existing open source taxonomies, a variety of taxonomy
tools for modest budgets, comparisons of their capabilities, and an analysis
of their applicability for integration to portal and search applications.
Automatic Metadata Generation: Proving the ROI
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Roger Sperberg, Taxonomy Project Tech Lead, Wolters Kluwer
Learn how automatic metadata generation solutions can be used cost-efficiently
and effectively for large-scale projects without a major investment in
human resources. In this case study, Wolters Kluwer, a major publisher, will
illustrate how it has applied Teragram’s automatic metadata solution to its
vast repositories of published materials.
Developing & Maintaining an Enterprise Taxonomy
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Moderator: Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy StrategiesJayne Dutra, Consultant, Information Management for the Arts California State University, FullertonKevin Lynch, Chief Knowledge Architect, RaytheonGraf Mouen, Project Lead, Media Archive Retrieval System, ABC Company
Taxonomy experts at four companies share real operational experiences in
deploying a taxonomy strategy at the enterprise level. The tire hits the pavement
in this dynamic panel as practitioners reveal the truth about what it
takes to keep current, maintain compliance, ensure data integrity, support
structural expansion, and still keep your job.
Taxonomy Boot Camp Welcome Reception and Networking Dinners
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Continue the day’s discussions with new colleagues and old friends over
drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Meet and talk with the speakers and the conference
sponsors. Then wrap up the day, if you wish, by joining a Networking
Dinner Group for a fun and casual evening at a nearby restaurant. (Watch
the Taxonomy Boot Camp Web site for signup forms for these Dutch-treat
Friday, November 3rd
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Operationalizing Your Taxonomy
8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise
How do you roll your taxonomy to the enterprise? This may mean technical
integration, but also new editorial standards and work processes. The real
question is how the taxonomy fits in with overall content creation and management.
Deploying the taxonomy means integrating it with existing systems
and wrapping tagging into current and updated processes. Another issue is
training consumers of information. Is there a way to do that effectively? Is it possible to train external users of your site? This thoughtful session explores
these and other issues around “socializing” the taxonomy within the organization
to ensure it is an effective tool.
Testing Your Taxonomy
9:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy StrategiesRon Daniel, Disruptive Technologies Director, Elsevier
Your taxonomy will not be perfect or complete and will need to be modified
based on changing content, user needs, and other practical considerations.
Developing a taxonomy incrementally requires measuring how well it is working
in order to plan how to modify it. In this session, you will learn qualitative
and quantitative taxonomy testing methods including:
• Tagging representative content to see if it works and determining how much
content is good enough for validation
• Card-sorting, use-based scenario testing, and focus groups to
determine if the taxonomy makes sense to your target audiences and to
provide clues about how to fix it
• Benchmarks and metrics to evaluate usability test results, identify coverage
gaps, and provide guidance for changes.
Taxonomy Integration: Putting Your Taxonomy to Work
9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Theresa Regli, Director, Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK
Once you’ve gone through the process of building your taxonomy, you may
think the hard part is over. Integrating the taxonomy with various technologies
— content repositories, search engines, content management systems,
portals, or Web sites — is not only just as challenging, but also the point at
which the real business value of the taxonomy is realized. In this session,
best practices in taxonomy integration and implementation are discussed
and examined, illustrated by case studies.
Integrating Taxonomies with Single-Sourcing
10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Richard Beatch, Search & Information Architect, Allstate
One major taxonomy challenge is how to easily integrate a taxonomy into
multiple content management and content delivery environments in a way
that is responsive, scalable, and cost-effective. Using an XML solution, Richard
Beatch has implemented a solution at Allstate that has one stored taxonomy
that can be consumed by all affected applications. The result is vastly
improved turnaround times and ease-of-use for taxonomy changes and
Using XML to Structure & Manage Taxonomies
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Darin Stewart, Director, Research Information Services, Oregon Health & Science University
Using XML to structure and maintain taxonomies facilitates interoperability,
integration, and opportunities for reuse. Beginning with a properly
structured and tagged taxonomy and its associated schema, this session
will demonstrate how XSLT stylesheets can transform the taxonomy into a
form that is compatible with any XML-friendly tool or application, including
several search engines. It will also show how XML-based taxonomies
can be easily integrated and repurposed.
Taxonomy Governance & Maintenance: Best Practices
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Beth Golden, Dow Jones & CompanySusan Saraidaridis, Enterprise Taxonomist & Metadata Manager, Business School Publishing
Once you’ve developed a taxonomy, the work has only begun. Keeping it
current, meaningful, and accurate over time as business needs evolve is an
ongoing effort. Hear best practices and innovative approaches for maintaining
your carefully constructed taxonomy. As a result, you will learn how to
derive maximum value from your information assets and keep end users coming
back for more. A case study from Harvard Business School illustrates these
best practices in action.
Lunch Break
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Semi-Automated Creation of Faceted Hierarchies
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Marti Hearst, Professor, School of Information, University of California - Berkeley
Faceted navigation for information collections is gaining wide acceptance.
However, a considerable impediment to the wider adoption of faceted interfaces
is the creation of the faceted hierarchies and the assignments of terms
from the hierarchies to the information items. Marti Hearst and her colleague,
Emilia Stoica have designed an algorithm called Castanet that semiautomatically
generates hierarchical faceted metadata from textual description
of items. Using an existing lexical database (such as WordNet), the
algorithm carves out a structure that reflects the contents of the target information
collection. Learn how the algorithm has been successfully applied
to collections as diverse as recipes, biomedical journal titles, and art history
image descriptions. The resulting category hierarchies require only
small adjustments to achieve intuitive results with good coverage.
Getting the Best of Both: Taxonomies & Faceted Navigation
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
Faceted navigation has been getting a lot of press, but it is important to
understand what facets really are, how facets are different from categories,
and how to combine facets and categories to create powerful but easy-to-use
information access. The right balance of taxonomies and facets combines
the best of browsing and advanced search in ways that users will
actually use. This session presents the results of a recent project that combined
two standard hierarchical taxonomies and then set up a mechanism
for dynamically mapping them across two facet dimensions to enable users
to zero in on content faster and easier than with just facets or categories.
Coffee Break
2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Social Tagging: Does It Work Inside the Firewall?
3:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sarah Goldman, Manager for Information Discovery, IBM’s Intranet, IBM CorporationChristine Connors, Chief Ontologist, KnowledgentManya Kapikian, RaytheonDonna Cuomo, Assoc Director, Knowledge, Information & Collaboration Solutions, MITRE Corp.Laurie Damianos, Lead Artificial Intelligence Engineer, MITRE Corp.
Is there any method to the madness of social tagging? Will the advantages
that David Weinberger advocates in his keynote work inside the firewall?
How can folksonomies be leveraged to strengthen traditional taxonomies
and make them more dynamic? Hear how three large organizations are
harnessing the power of social tagging using the wisdom of the masses to
improve search and inform the entire enterprise. See examples of the tools,
work flows, and policies that govern their efforts, and find out how to get
comfortable in this brave new world.
Bridging the Gap Between Folksonomies & Taxonomies: The Semantic Web Approach
4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Brad Allen, Founder & CTO, Siderean Software
As illustrated in the prior session, the rapid emergence of social tagging
has had a ripple effect in corporate settings due to the potential positive
impact on the cost and quality of human-generated metadata. This closing
session discusses forward-thinking work on systems that are beginning
to merge social tagging with more formal approaches to metadata creation
and management. The goal is to allow folksonomies to make taxonomies
more responsive to change, while allowing taxonomies to make
folksonomies more responsible in the context of information governance.